The European Party of Ukraine, April 8th, 2016 Kyiv
The Ukrainian Youth NGO «Youth European Movement”, as the youth wing of the European Party of Ukraine, supports the ideological orientation and the program of the Party and join the requirements, approved by the Congress.
Realizing the importance of government support of the employment of young specialists and the implementation of government programs of social protection of young people and taking into account current trends regarding threatening lowering of living standards in Ukraine, a significant increase of migrant workers, spreading shadow and vulnerable youth employment,
we demand from the current government:
1. To amend the legislation on employment in order to ensure the protection of interests of citizens in terms of social and economic crisis;
2. To implement the state program “mandatory first job for graduates” as a prerequisite to minimize the outflow of skilled labor abroad;
3. To adopt the law on compulsory involvement in the production of projects of national experts;
4. To establish a state program of development of the IT market with mandatory state funding as the main conditions for economic development of Ukraine;
5. To develop a national program to improve labor costs as a prerequisite for more working places;
6. To comprehensively promote the development of community initiatives and hearings, conferences and round tables to discuss and develop effective mechanisms of social, legal and political control of the government and effective cooperation with the Cabinet of Ministers and the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine;
7. To engage professional international funds and organizations;
8. To increase scholarships for students of universities and colleges to a subsistence level.
Press service of the European Party of Ukraine