Conflicts between the Prosecutor General’s Office, the SAP (Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor`s Office) and the NABU (National Anti-Corruption Bureau), between law enforcement agencies in general, only suggest that the heads of these bodies are trying to shift responsibility to others.
“Lolik and Bolik” – Kholodnytsky and Sytnyk – should have been fired a long time ago, because they flushed the entire anti-corruption structure down the toilet. They only imitated anti-corruption activities, played along with the Prosecutor General Lutsenko and did business.
As long as they remain in office, neither Poroshenko nor other corrupt officials will be imprisoned, and not a single penny will return to the state budget.
If they have something to say – let them go to the people, to the parliament, and report how many cases have been filed, how many corrupt people have been imprisoned, how much money has been returned to the state budget of Ukraine. We will not have a future until law enforcement agencies start serving and protecting the interests not of the ephemeral state, but of the real CITIZENS of Ukraine.
Press service
of the European Party of Ukraine