Главная   »   Mykola Katerynchuk: If the president does not understand the direction of cultural development, then, accordingly, he can neither formulate a task, nor find a person.

Mykola Katerynchuk: If the president does not understand the direction of cultural development, then, accordingly, he can neither formulate a task, nor find a person.

03/06/2020 08:02

The appointment of Oleksandr Tkachenko to the post of Minister of Culture of Ukraine will demonstrate only one thing: President does not understand in which direction the national culture should develop, what its tasks are. And if he does not understand the tasks, then he cannot find a person, it’s obvious.

“I still remember the days when ministers were people with reputation, with a state position. I remember some colleagues being offered ministerial positions and they refused because they were afraid of not being able to cope with the tasks set before them by the state. Now completely different approaches. We observe the commercialization of all processes in the state, in particular, in the field of culture. A businessman, a partner of oligarch Kolomoisky, is being offered the position. But culture is not a film production and not a media industry. This is a much deeper and broader concept. A nation cannot exist without a national state policy for the development of culture”, – said Mykola Katerynchuk.


Press service

of the European Party of Ukraine