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The European Party of Ukraine signed a Memorandum on Support for Electoral Reform

10/05/2018 11:56

photo_2018-05-10_11-57-38Today the European Party of Ukraine signed a Memorandum on joint actions of public organizations and opposition political forces in support of the electoral reform.

The main requirement of the action is “No! Elections under the law of Yanukovychis the adoption of the Electoral Code, which must abolish the corrupt majority system of elections and introduce open lists.

The Memorandum outlines the principal positions of cooperation in holding a mass event.

All-Ukrainian action for open lists will be held in all regional centers of Ukraine on May 15, except for the occupied ones!IMG_7564

The only requirement is to abolish Yanukovych’s electoral law and adopt the Electoral Code, which provides for holding parliamentary elections on a proportional system with open regional lists.

May 17 at 9:30 on the Constitution Square in Kiev will take a many-thousand action in support of the electoral reform!

Each of us can and should influence politicians who decide our destiny. If you are not indifferent to how the next parliament will be formed, and where our state will move for the next 5 years, come to the action and demand from politicians the adoption of new electoral rules.

Remember, Europe begins with each of us!


Of the European Party of Ukraine