The European Party of Ukraine
”Social – Liberalism in politics – the well-being in society”
Social – liberalism – is a philosophical, political and economic theory, as well as the ideology that is based on the position that all kind of individual freedoms are the legal basis for the development of society and economic order.
The European Party of Ukraine is the mouthpiece of the main philosophical ideas of liberalism by John Locke, Montesquieu, Adam Smith, Immanuel Kant regarding the priority of human rights and freedoms, national sovereignty and civil society.
We are following the main basics of the modern liberal views by Karl Popper, Bertrand de Jouvenel, and Michael Polanyi. We are taking as the basis of social – liberal philosophy and values of John Rawls, and political – legal views of social development by Jürgen Habermas.
We are following the main priorities that set by Mont Pelerin Society, that unites together the modern economists, philosophers, journalists, entrepreneurs, supporting the principles and ideas of classical social – liberalism. We are accepting the goals and objectives of the Liberal International.
We are identifying ourselves with the following concepts:
• Private property as a necessary condition of individual freedom;
• a free market, competition and entrepreneurship, equality of opportunities;
• the separation of powers, restraints and controls;
• the idea of personal freedom that is unhampered by the scope of the traditions, prejudices and stereotypes;
• self-worth of the individuals and responsibility for their actions;
• the rule of law with the principles of equality of all citizens before the law, tolerance and
Protection of minority rights according to the article 3, 21, 24, 28 and 32 of the Constitution of Ukraine;
• Government that is balancing the chances and providing equal starting positions for all citizens;
• guarantees of fundamental human rights and freedoms (conscience, speech, assembly, the creation of associations and political parties);
• universal suffrage;
• cosmopolitan citizenship as a tool of internationalization outside the nation-state in the era of globalization;
• political idealism in international relations, where priority is the collective security;
• Social – liberalism as a political phenomenon, not only as an ethical perception of the world, the concept, that is directly correlated with the level of education and awareness of human
• Social – liberalism – is a liberal economic reform, giving the highest social standards in the development of society
The European Party of Ukraine is the supporter of the social – liberal conception and the doctrine of the social development. This doctrine of beliefs and concepts in relation to the surrounding world, a type of consciousness and ideological view, which is not always associated with a particular political party or political course. This is a theory, a doctrine, program and political practice. It is the social – liberal order. Today it is the most attractive and desirable political order for many countries. The social – liberal order can only exist on a democratic basis; it actually grows out of the democratic development of society.
The European Party of Ukraine supports the idea of the social – liberal movement, we are advocating the historical concept of ”laissez faire ”, which means not to interfere the individual to live, grow, take care of business. We promote the concept of “State – the night watchman”, where the point is to justify the so-called minimal role for the state, endowed with a limited set of the most necessary functions in public security order and protection the country from external danger, the protection of vulnerable segments of society. However, the state significantly interferes in economic processes as the final arbiter in the control of equal economic opportunities, control over natural monopolies and state property management in the strategic areas of the economy, determining the level of independence of the Ukrainian economy.
The main value of liberalism is a freedom. We recognize the following freedoms:
• Basic freedom – is the freedom of the individual, which is necessary to ensure the autonomy of the individual, his life, freedom and dignity (right to live, physical integrity and freedom, freedom of conscience, privacy and communications, inviolability of the private property, freedom of movement and settlement)
• Spiritual freedom – is the right to choose the religious, cultural, social issues, freedom of speech and conscience. These freedoms provide the opportunity to participate in various forms of cultural life (the right to education, the right to participate in cultural life, access to cultural values, artistic freedom)
• Financial freedom – is the right to private property, the right to buy and sell for reasons of our own benefit. These freedoms provide essential life satisfaction of human needs (the right to private property, succession, freedom of entrepreneurial activity; the right to work; the right to choose a profession, occupation, social security, to health, the right to participate in management, the obligation to pay taxes)
• Political freedom – freedom while respecting laws, freedom of political expression. These freedoms provide the opportunity to participate in political life, the possibility of lobbying in the State political decisions (the right to participate in the management of public affairs, the right to association, freedom of opinion, freedom of association, a complex electoral rights, freedom of assembly, meetings and demonstrations, freedom of speech, the right to resist oppression)
For us, human rights and freedoms take precedence over the interests of society and the state.
After independence in 1991, the liberal ideas are still in difficult manner to make their way to Ukraine, as they focused on the assertion of the parliamentary system, free entrepreneurship, and democratic freedom, defend the absolute value of the human personality and the equality of all people about the rights of the individual. All politics in their programs of political rhetoric, talking about liberal values, but are afraid of the word “liberal”, “liberalism”, they are saying, that it is hard to explain. This is craftiness, which must be erased in the Ukrainian policy, which looks like an ideological chaos, and it blurs the lines of responsibility of politicians to the people.
Liberal ideas are necessary for self-determination of society. After all, the liberal political doctrine denies any totalitarian form of government, protects freedom, affirming the principle of the inviolability of private property, civil rights and freedoms. Social – liberalism – this is not just a system consisting of one or more elements, it is rather a kind of realm of ideas, allowing a variety of combinations, but has at the same time well-defined borders and rules. Ukraine is in the transition to a global world. Historical experience shows that in societies in which the process of natural selection of the historic run is in the opposite direction, for generations after the morally flawed forces and trends were in power. It would be naive to believe that this process has ceased to operate in Ukraine today. The explosion of terrorism, xenophobia, nationalism, radicalism, crime – vivid proof of that mistaken way. That’s why another world order is possible in Ukraine that is based on the dogma of social – liberalism. The development of Ukrainian political force that professing and able to implement a policy of social liberalism is the task of the urgent and timely priority. Even its name ‘’social liberalism’’ is looking to the future. We are the European Party of Ukraine, we are towards the future. We have proved our right to the future through the active participation and citizenship position for the preservation of European integration, as the main socio – economic factor of development of the Ukrainian society during the Revolution of Dignity and Euromaidan of 2013 – 2014.
Our General Principles
• The principle of liberal – pluralist regime. Any democratic government it is inherent. It is based on the optimal decentralization of political governance, the principles of political competition and compromise. It recognizes the right of everyone to adhere to all views, it is inherent in respect for dissent points of view and nonconformity. Political practice in this way is a result of constant competition, competition of different social and political forces, none of which cannot have a monopoly on power or ideology.
• The principle of individualism. The value of individualism is in opposition to its collectivistic principles in the organization of political and economic life, which led ultimately to the totalitarian forms of government.
• The principle of the commodity-money, market organization of the economy. The market demands equal, free, independent partnerships. The Liberal government declares the equality of all citizens. In a liberal society proclaims freedom of speech, opinion, ownership, gives space to private initiative. The rights and freedoms of the individual are not only enshrined in the Constitution, but also become feasible in practice. Thus, the basis of economic liberalism is the private property.
• The principle of free competition. The government releases the manufacturer from its care and does not interfere in the economic life of the people, but only establishes the general framework of free competition between producers, the conditions of economic life. The state government acts as an arbitrator in resolving disputes between producers. State government is rationally allocating the economic resources to solve environmental problems involved in the peaceful division of labor, to prevent international conflicts.
• The principle of respect for the opposition. Liberal regime allows the existence of the political opposition; moreover, in social – liberal conditions the state takes all measures to protect the opposition, and creates the special procedures taking into account of these interests. Pluralism, and above all, a multiparty system, is the necessary attributes of a liberal society.
• The principle of separation of powers. Implementation of the public administration is carried out on its basis. The system of “restraints and controls” reduces the opportunities for abuse of power. Government decisions are taken by majority of votes. In public administration the decentralization is in use: the central government takes care of only those issues that cannot be solved by local authorities.
• The principle of striving for peace. The most fundamental and natural law of social – liberalism says: it is necessary to strive for peace and follow it. Everything else should be used only as a means of achieving peace. All summarized in one general rule: Don’t do to others what you would not want have been made to you.
• The principle of the state welfare. Welfare state balance is achieved by limiting the power of monopolies and alleviating the being of the most disadvantaged part of the population exposed to social exclusion.
• The principle of true freedom. It is the right to freely dispose of our capital and abilities, and this freedom is inextricably linked with risk and responsibility. Private property system is the most important guarantee of freedom, not only for those people who have property, but also for those who do not.
• The principle of the ideal of a liberal society. It is a society with freedom of action for everybody, free flow of policy-relevant information, limitation of the power of church and state, the rule of law, respect for private property and the abilities of private entrepreneurship. It is a society opposed to totalitarianism, and the role of religion as the sole source of knowledge. It is a society based on pluralism and democratic administration of the state, subject to the protection of minority rights and individual citizens. It is a society tolerant to state regulation of free markets for the provision of equal opportunities.
• The principle of liberal democracy. This is the principle when government exists for the benefit of the people subservient to it, and the political leadership of the country is based on the consent of the majority of the led. All rights in the hands of individuals and legal entities, and the state exist solely to protect those rights.
• The principle of rationalism. This possibility of a targeted improvement of the society, but not in revolutionary measures. Liberal doctrine imposes certain requirements on the nature of the reforms. Such conversion may not take the form of violent revolution or destruction.
• The principle of social engineering. The goal is not the invention of concrete projects of “good society” and implementation of some arbitrarily constructed models. The goal – is to all individuals, as the basis of society, for the realization of their abilities has access to basic needs such as education, medicine, culture and economic opportunities.
• The principle of condemnation of aggression and abuse policy for the territorial integrity of states. The Policy of invasion of territory is characterized only for socio – economically underdeveloped societies and states, which fueled its development of natural resources, with a limited amount in the world. As part of the globalized world, the global expansion of the post-industrial economy, the such aggressive policy is impractical.
• The principle of constant political convergence of liberal thinking. Introduction of the international community in post-industrial phase and aggravation of global problems put global social – liberalism to the need for continuous updates and in-depth development of brand new and actual social needs. Convergence Objective, as the update tool, is the continuous development and enhancement of ‘human capital’
• The principle of transnationalism in foreign and domestic policy. Power Factor loses today a decisive impact on international relations and domestic policy of the states. The more effective means of influence and persuasion today are the economic, legal and information tools. Transnationalism creates conditions for the institutionalization of relations between the state and non-state vectors.
• Trilateralism principle. This concept is based on the idea of common objectives, values and interests of economically developed societies in the global world. Liberalism recognizes this principle for the leading role in the world in terms of the interdependence of political, economic and cultural integration of the world around the world-leading development centers. Trilateralism involves the formation of a new system of global governance, in which the economically liberal and developed societies are playing the leading roles.
Our values
• The fundamental values of social – liberalism include the recognition: the nature of natural rights (including the right to life, death, liberty and property), as well as other civil rights; equal rights and equality before the law; market economy; Government accountability and transparency of the government.
• Personality. This is what is at the core of liberal values. Only healthy individualism and harmony in the development of all human faculties allow society to achieve the level of civilization and the Enlightenment.
• Private property. This is the sacred right of human, which forms the civilizational development. People as humans are madden by private property, not work. Where the state and society are built on respect for private property – is progress, where its denial – regression.
• The freedom of the individual in all aspects of public life. Reasonable restriction of liberty is secured by a social contract, that implying constitutionalism, separation of powers, restraints and controls.
• Freedom of conscience. Any person has the right to believe or not to believe in what he wants and as he wants; no one shall be subjected to harassment and discrimination on the basis of their beliefs. Freedom of conscience is possible only in an enlightened society.
• Individualism as the underlying economic, political and social principles of liberalism. The task is not a declaration of freedom “in general” of the individual, but to protect the freedom of the individual who has reached a certain level of development and who has proven its high civilization and humanitarian status on the basis of the criteria put forward by social – liberalism
• Legal and political equality, interpreted primarily as equality of opportunity, because all human beings are born equally free. Because of this, the most important types of formal equality are the legal gender equality and political equality. Based on the principle of equality, liberal doctrine does not recognize caste and other privileges, not due to individual effort of man.
• Economic Freedom. The most important pillar of liberalism is the creative approach to solve the economic problems. The pragmatic attitude towards the economic freedom is to determine the level of self-realization in society of ‘equal opportunities’
• Indulgence, tolerance, Anti-discrimination, the fight against social exclusion. The social – liberalism is imbued with the spirit of progressivism and thus purely rationalistic, that is based on the belief in progress and the power of the human mind. The open mind sickens aggression and exclusion. The open mind makes a person permanently to improve.
• Human health. First, the initial values of humanity, of any state, of any responsible political party are a person’s health.
• Enlightment, education, science. It is the cornerstone for the development of the individual, humanity and the human attitude that is the basis of the liberal doctrine.
• Culture. It is a symbol of human immortality
• Ecology, environmental development.
• Globalization. Its value is in the gradual universalization of modern life and its values. Unity in diversity – is the strong unity for globalization and multicultural society.
• Integrational and genetic value of the potential of humankind. Humanity does not stand still. The scope and forms of being rapidly expanded. Only freedom of choice, able to expand the scope of human knowledge and the conquest of the elements, nature.
• European Union. We are for the enlargement of the EU in Eastern Europe, for its solidity and integrity, traditions and achievements. We are against those who encroach on European values, boundaries and grossly interfere in its affairs.
• Intensive technological development of society. Today we have no time to wait and extensively develop slowly. We need to find out quickly sources of intense technological development of society. Rapid economic growth, political dynamics, special social and cultural growth are from our doctrine priorities
• Creativity. The way forward is not possible without creativity. We appreciate the intellect, talent, unconventional thinking. We are for the knowledge economy and new advanced technologies.
• Communications. We cannot imagine ourselves without modern communications. Free media, the Internet, social networks, mobile communications, digital television, distance education technologies. We are for a new style of communication, without borders.
• Competition. The competition of ideas, views, principles, technologies – the engine of any liberal society. We are different and in a fair argument we are proving the viability of ourselves and our ideas. The absence of an opinion for us means stagnation and degradation.
• Truth and open mind. We want to live in an open world, to be active participants in the relevant international processes. We stand for mobility, knowledge exchange, movement for the freedom of the world. We are for openness of culture, language, inter-ethnic dialogue, tolerance and mutual understanding. We are for direct communication and sincerity.
• The rotation of power. For social – liberalism the rotation of power is more important than democracy. Persistence in power is corrupting the possessor of power, so to ensure its absolute turnover is a step towards the construction of a liberal constitutional state.
• The dictatorship of the law. It ensures the functioning of the liberal society. The law must be fair and strictly enforced. The liberal state is effective only if it ensures the independence of the court and law enforcement.
• Security. We are for the preservation of the safe world around us. For a comfortable, thoughtful human activity infrastructure. For a comfortable environment in the country for life, development, construction career, accumulation and capital increase. We are against the violence, terrorism, attacks on the human rights and against crime and various phobias.
• Freedom is only for those who is respecting freedom. Liberalism does not accept the any kind of ban. The popularity of views is determined only by competition, and not by any administrative actions. Respect for another point of view is possible only under the condition that its bearer is ready to respect your opinion as well.
Our target audience
• Youth and students
• The creative intelligentsia and intellectuals
• Freethinkers
• Small and medium-sized businesses, entrepreneurs
• Mid-level officials of local government and central government
• Residents of large cities and regional centers
• Immigrants
• Middle class
• Temporarily Displaced Persons
Our organizational structure
We are the political party of the classical type, with a clear regional organizational structure. However, we see benefits in using the principles of the political club, where every member of the party, a supporter, stakeholders, sponsors and representatives of the other political views are welcome to express their opinions, points of view and suggestions. We stand for the factionalism of our political force, for a discussion of the different points of view. The format of the political club is the tool of convergence and the constant development of the Party and its liberal views. We pay attention to the development and functioning of our regional offices. According to our target audience, The European Party of Ukraine should first of all be presented in the big cities and in regional centers. Thus the focus should primarily be on cities and regions, where the middle class with higher education is dominating, as from the western practice – the liberal electorate is in this environment, in urban environments. It is an urban city environment can attract the most supports of the party, which will contribute to the development of the party and party building. Our target cities – hubs are Kyiv (Kiev, Vinnitsa, Zhitomir, Chernigov, and Cherkassy regions), Odessa (Odessa, Mykolaiv, and Kherson regions), Lvov (Lvov, Volyn, Rivne, Ternopol, Khmelnitsky, Transcarpathian, Ivano-Frankovsk, and Chernovtsy regions), Dnepr (Dnipropetrovs’k, Zaporozhe, Kirovograd regions) and Kharkov (Kharkov, Sumy, Poltava regions).
Our objectives
• Open and fair liberal civil society
• Victory of the Social – liberal doctrine in society
• Equal and free competition in the benefits
• Growth of welfare of all the people, not specific groups of people
• To be the member of Liberal International
• State Arbitration in the regulation of economic development and state active social support of the most vulnerable people
• Strengthening the role of the Antimonopoly Committee
• Development of high-tech creative economy
• Rejection in agriculture from the strategy of Europe’s raw material appendage
• Development of innovative technologies in agricultural processing
• Maximum use of geographical and transit advantages of Ukraine in the construction and development of the transport industry and logistics
• Ukraine is the maritime state. Our priority – the development of port’s infrastructure, commercial and passenger fleet
• Modernization of capital assets in the industry. Creating conditions for the development of production in Ukraine
• Elimination of corruption influence on the business activities
• Free entrepreneurship
• Reducing the regulatory bodies function. Business deregulation
• Improvement of the Tax Code of Ukraine. The liberalization of taxes
• Creation and development of Ukrainian export support mechanisms
• Searching and promotion of breakthrough R&D as an engine of national science and the national economy
• Development of high-tech industries – engineering, instrumentation, robotics, IT and communications, aviation, civil aviation
• Space – this is the future of mankind. The development of the national space industry
• Development of military – defense complex. Using innovation and high technology in military industry.
• All children, regardless of their origin, place of residence, material possibilities of the family should be provided with equal conditions for obtaining a good education, and then – to choose their own destiny
• An effective education that makes thoughtful, resourceful and responsible people
• Healthy young generation
• High degree of development of communications and Internet technology.
• Transparency and truthfulness of public power
• Anti-corruption policy
• Creation of a new class of innovative young officials
• Dictatorship of law
• Implementation of the European policy of equal chances
• The elimination of social exclusion, support for social – public institutions working with socially disadvantaged sectors of society
• The implementation of the priorities of the gender policy and sustainable development
• Implementation of juvenile justice foundations
• Protecting the rights of children
• Ecology, preservation of the environment
• Implementation of the foundations of the European anti-discrimination policy and the policy of tolerance
• Introduction of the European probation technologies in prison
• Separation of church from state and society. Reducing the role of religious institutions, increasing the role of state institutions
• The dominance of the role of parliament. Constitutional reform in the direction of parliamentary governance
• Reduction of economic and supervisory functions of the state, an increase of social functions of the state
• Promotion of the idea of multiculturalism, struggling against the phobia and intolerance
• Stricter environmental policies and stimulating a green economy
• Promotion and implementation of alternative energy sources
• Increase energy efficiency of the economy and households
• The development of the priorities of the green economy, the blue economy and the bioeconomy
• Implementation of EU education and health New policy priorities
• Implementation of the new EU communication policy
• Development and implementation of the main program – targeted priorities and objectives of the European Strategy EUROPE2020
• Development and implementation of a new strategy of Ukraine’s integration to the EU
• Human rights, democracy, the rule of law
• A woman’s right to abortion and family planning
• The introduction of medical technology to improve human hereditary qualities, the development of genetics and reproductive technologies
• Freedom of weapons and the right to self-defense
• Combating the spread of hard drugs. The legalization of marijuana for medical – prophylactic purposes
• The fight against human trafficking. No sexual coercion and violence
• Security of citizens in ensuring the conditions of life, rather than the number of police and security forces
• Freedom of movement across the border of citizens. Visa-free regime with the EU and with other leading liberal countries
• Promotion of genetic research, biotechnology, nanotechnology
• The promotion of digital 3D industry, robotics society
• State property ownership exists where it gives people greater freedom of choice
• Innovative Economy, post-industrial, knowledge economy
• Tax policy aimed at the development of society, local government, promotion of the economic growth, providing greater opportunities for self-development and entrepreneurial activity. These policies primarily involve a significant reduction in administrative burdens and bureaucracy
• The introduction of the European experience of budget allocation through the implementation of the structural funds instruments
• Increased participation of Ukraine in the EU financial instruments, in the framework of targeted programs, cross-border partnership and cooperation programs
• The use of lobbying tools in the best traditions of the world promotion of special interests, the use of best practices and legislation in this actions
• Fixing at the constitutional level the opposition activities and the prohibition of restrictions on its implementation
• Reform of the judiciary and the Prosecutor’s Office. Ensuring independence
• Provision of open and transparent legislation of Ukraine. Cancel of law consideration on an abbreviated procedure laws. Providing professional expertise for regulatory projects – legal acts
• As part of the constitutional reform, the introduction of an instrument of the full individual constitutional complaint
• The introduction of best international practices and recommendations regarding the development of laws and compliance of requirements to the law making technology. Introduction of the law making offices
• The implementation of the European Charter about local self-government.
• Promotion and dissemination of European cultural heritage, history and priorities. European education as a tool for the formation of the European consciousness of the Ukrainian society
• Strengthening the Party’s work with the international supporting foundations for social – liberal development, with the leading liberal parties from the EU, the UK, Canada, Germany
• Support for the liberal opposition in Russia
Our expected results
The main goal of any political party is to get the power in order to implement the main program objectives through the use of common ideological principles and values. The European party of Ukraine is no exception. We also strive for power. The party, as an ideological club, aims to spread to the broad mass of people the social – liberal views and principles. The transformation of the public consciousness, the promotion of liberal views and raise awareness of supporters and opponents are the expected results for us in terms of political Enlightment and education to the masses.
To achieve domination of the liberal order in Ukrainian politics. The liberal order is the only way of realization of the public authority that is based on the recognition of the rights and freedoms of citizens and the absence of direct violence of the state over the citizens.
Get under a liberal political order in the country a lot of associations, non-governmental organizations, corporations, sections, clubs, bringing together people with the same interests, for the views, according to the liberal principles. These associations make up the foundation of civil society and citizens will not leave face to face with the government, which usually tends to impose its decisions and even to abuse their capabilities.
This mode is the most effective; it is possible only in a society characterized by a high level of economic and social development. The society should have a sufficiently high political, intellectual and moral consciousness, legal culture. Our liberal common principles, values and goals aimed to achieve these public results. Recognize the right of the state of strict control of natural monopolies, the right of strict control and protection of the rights of disadvantaged sections of society, the right to fight social exclusion, intolerance, xenophobia, to recognize that without public intervention is impossible to provide a minimum of political rights for citizens.
Undoubtedly, the liberals committed and still commit a lot of mistakes. Undoubtedly, social – liberalism is still improving and developing. Yesterday, and even more so – the day before yesterday decisions today are looking very different. Unchanged is the main thing – liberal views that based on the believe in the best of human being, on the fact that freedom is indeed better than lack of freedom, that a society of free people is the best way to cope and will cope with an ever faced by humanity calls.
Our instruments to achieve the expected results
In order to achieve the expected results we need to promote targeted actions that can attract public to our political party, to our ideology, to our goals. For us, the main goal of the party is not only the power, but the missionary function of our liberal views. In order to follow the way of achieving these objectives we will use certain steps, actions, projects, events and activities. Types of projects that can promote the implementation of the European party of Ukraine program and under which the partners can be involved (other parties, foundations, sponsors and stakeholders):
• Thematic round tables (discussions of our principles, values and objectives)
• Workshops (discussions of our principles, values and objectives)
• Advertising campaigns in the media, PR campaigns
• TV programs on regional and national TV channels
• Street actions, meetings, flash mobs
• Radio programs
• The publication of thematic brochures
• Liberal Law – making Office
• Office Pro Bono for the social excluded persons
We are The European Party of Ukraine, and we are agree to support the sentence formulated by philosopher and political scientist Francis Fukuyama: ‘Liberalism as a ideological and political concept is doomed to victory’